Unlocking Your Creative Potential | REALFITPODCAST | EP. 35

1 year ago

On this episode of the podcast, we explore the power of positivity and creativity, and how it can lead to a fulfilling life. We discuss the importance of being present in the moment and not letting negative emotions consume you as well as the controversial topics of forced advertising and LGBTQ agendas. The conversation also covers the importance of speaking out on issues and not turning a blind eye, even if it doesn't directly affect you. Enjoy the show!

Podcast Clips
IG: @realfitpodcast
TikTok: @realcaderector

Cade Rector
IG: @caderectorfit
Twitter: @caderectorfit

Josh England:
IG: @Joshh_England

00:06 Connecting with new people.
01:01 Energy Vampires: Take, Not Give.
02:38 Passionately pursue dreams
03:26 Spiritual energy before physical reality.
08:03 Belief in a higher power.
09:12 Creative youth, lost to society.
15:23 Accepting life's journey.
16:07 "Hate won't change reality."
17:15 Find your unique calling.
19:36 Let go of identity, embrace freedom.
22:09 Everyone's a teacher
24:24 Qualifications limit creativity
26:56 Teachers are world's best people.
27:54 Homeschooling kids in current times.
29:45 "North Face: Summer of Pride"
30:19 Big companies & Agendas pushed
34:46 Microsoft moderates with Azure AI.
35:42 Hate goes both ways
42:55 Spirituality before physicality
44:01 Living in the moment, not worrying.
47:15 Simplify life to basics.
50:42 Exploring life through conversation.
53:47 Enlightenment: Forgetting Self-Existence
54:30 Fear of death
59:40 Let go, move forward.
01:17 Episode 35: Tune In, Share, Blessings

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