What Would You Do?

1 year ago

Back in May 2016 we did this RAW video regarding What Would You Do?

Yahuah had recently brought a wonderful family into our lives for Timothy & I to show God's love to. The husband had recently been told he had maybe 2 months to live. While conversing with them, we realized that there was tension as the wife was trying to do what she could to help her husband who was unable to do anything for himself, but he fought her and sometimes refused the efforts, which was disheartening to the wife.

When Tim asked the husband who his partner was, his reply was "Jesus". When Tim asked this question again, the man's response was the same as before. When Tim asked, "What about this lady, your wife?" the husband's response was, "Well ya, Jesus and her." Not a whole-hearted response in our opinion.

Jesus has ALWAYS been my best friend and partner, so I get that. But, Genesis 2:18-20 in our Bible tells Tim & I that during creation God said, “It’s not good for the Man [Adam] to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion”, so he created Eve.

In thinking about Timothy's conversation with the husband I'm reminded of several things...

1. The movie we saw years ago about a circuit riding preacher in the late 1800's to early 1900's who came upon a family whose horse had died while they were moving to a new settlement. They had no way of pulling their covered wagon. The preacher told them "I'll pray for you" and began to kneel down to pray. But then stood up and said, "In this situation prayer is unnecessary and worthless! The ANSWER IS ALREADY HERE ... take MY horse!"

Hmmm, reminds me of Matthew West's song "DO SOMETHING", which states: "I thought, “God, why don’t You do something?”. ... So, I shook my fist at Heaven. Said, “God, why don’t You do something?” HE SAID ... "I DID ... I Created YOU!"

2. Sitting in my car waiting for God, my partner, to start the engine while I sit & wait. Believe me, I DO believe God can start that engine without me ... He's shown me those capabilities over & over again throughout my life. BUT, he also gave me a tool to use ... the KEY.
To visualize this, I've created a video. Enjoy!

3. Someone falling down a tunnel which could mean their death.
What would YOU Do? Sit back & watch them fall, or take action to help?

Victory Haven - Alternative Cancer Support & Assistance Group is the Producer and Sole Owner of this video.

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