Super Soldier Talk - John Whitberg – Montauk Looking Glass Program

1 year ago

John served in the secret space program under different alter names. Johns alter was sent to Vega Prime and then later in Solar Warden. His other alter Heinrich, is a German diplomatic officer who was loaned out to the Deep Space Fleet Space Navy which is another name for the JDFC (Joint Defense Force Command). During this time, he was tasked with setting up new trade agreements, settling disputes, and setting up colonies within the breakaway. Heinrich was stationed on the USS Hoechkler which is six miles long. His second alter, is Jared he is a is an archeologist in the ICC and John believes he is still active. His other alter Adam, served in in Solar Warden which later split into Radiant Guardian. Adam served on Europa, New Nuremberg on Titan, Victoria colony on Mars, and on Ganymede. Adam served as an immigration officer for our solar system. Today, John will be talking more about his Alex alter who was stationed at Montauk in the 1960s and then transferred to Project Looking Glass in the mid 1970s and still there. Alex spent time at planet Centurion under Paul Serne.

John’s contact email is

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