We die everyday part 2: what about old age?

1 year ago

This vid is almost two years old now. Since it was filmed Im like 99% certain there are human npcs now cause…🙃
I also think we shift till we have served out time sentence here in 3d as a particular avatar for however long the sentence is, then you chill in 4d for a bit then reincarnate here to re loop as the same avatar but make different choices, or get a new persona.
Why? Dunno. To learn? For entertainment? Because we are fractals of a bored god? Or just how a superintelligence learns/consumes information. Who knows.🤷🏾‍♀️

#multiverse #simulationtheory #technophilosophy #npcs #quantumimmortality #ai #manyworlds #mandelaeffect #reincarnation #conscious #consciousness #sentient

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