Warrior Mom is standing up for you and your kids! Phillips, it’s up to us to fight for our kids!

1 year ago

They are doubling down on forcing their ideology down our throats. It’s up to US to fight for our kids!! This warrior Mom is standing up for you and your kids!
… and if you think they won’t try to force another ‘mandated substance’ for you to keep your job or to travel freely… well just wait… this was a trial run.
If you want something different than the same old recycled candidates and the same old establishment politics… then VOTE and SUPPORT STEPHANIE!
Help her!
Join the fight with her!
Follow her journey!
DONATE today!.
She needs you!
#protectthekids #medicalfreedom #bodilyautonomy #notothewokeagenda #warriormom #singlemom #bluestarmom #ussenate #phillips4nevada

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