Is AI in the Bible?

1 year ago

The Bible refers to a place that was ruined in the Book of Joshua called "Ai." Are there any parallels to what is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What did Joe Kovacs say about that? Are there any risks to AI, such as those warned about by Elon Musk? Are common AI sources like ChatGPT and Bing Ai always reliable? Are there certain passages in the Bible, such as prophecies related to the militaristic Beast and Antichrist in the Book of Revelation, that point to the use of AI in the end times? Is the use of computer software consistent with the prophecies of the 666 Beast power? Does the New Testament have warnings of impostors deceiving? Is it possible that demons and AI will be involved in the end time? Will the nations of this world fight Jesus upon His return? Could AI affect and deceive humans? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie address these matters.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'WND: Is AI mentioned in the Bible? Yes, with catastrophic results' URL:

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