Home Intruder Jumps out Window Head First After 77-Year-Old Home Owner Shoots At Him

1 year ago

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In my personal discussions about guns, I often pose a thought-provoking question: If there was a big red button that, when pushed, would make all the guns in the world disappear, would you press it? Surprisingly, many people say they would. But let me tell you why I wouldn't, and why I believe it's the right choice.

The concept of fighting chance is often overlooked. Some folks mistakenly believe that by eliminating guns, we would also rid the world of evil, criminals, and violence. However, I argue the opposite. Taking away firearms would only empower criminals, as they would resort to other means, such as disparity of force, to overpower their victims.

Let's take a moment to consider a vulnerable individual, like the elderly gentleman in the video. Yes, he may be tall, but age has taken its toll on his physical abilities.

He is not equipped to fend off an attacker. The same goes for an elderly lady living alone, a single parent with children, or someone with a physical disability. They are at a significant disadvantage when faced with an unjustifiable attack.

In the video, the intruder chose this man precisely because he saw him as an easy target. Criminals seek out perceived weaknesses, avoiding those who can put up a fight.

But this man had one powerful tool that leveled the playing field – a gun! Thanks to that firearm, he was able to effectively defend himself against an imminent threat.

And that's precisely why I wouldn't press that big red button. The gun is the great equalizer, especially in the hands of the weak when facing an unjustifiable attack.

While I might be able to handle a single assailant without a gun, this gentleman, at 77 years old, would not have stood a chance.

It's unfair to tell him, "You can't have a gun; you better learn how to fight at your age." It's unjust to deny someone with a disability the means to defend themselves and expect them to magically become able-bodied if they're ever attacked. That's just plain messed up.

Join me in watching this powerful video and reflect on the significance of the Second Amendment and our right to self-defense. Let's engage in meaningful discussions about personal safety, the importance of responsible gun ownership, and the role firearms play in safeguarding the weak against those who would do them harm.

Another way to protect yourself in a self-defense situation is legally and financially by getting a membership with an organization like USCCA that provides self-defense insurance.

Personally, I work with USCCA because I believe it is the best all-around membership that offers not only self-defense insurance but also training and a wealth of information to help you avoid a situation and, if necessary, get through it tactically, financially, and legally.

I think USCCA is the best, which is why I work with them, and they do offer my followers special FREE bonuses to become a member with a 365-day money-back guarantee.

Self Defense insurance with special bonuses for Colion Noir subscribers
➡️ https://www.mrcolionnoir.com/go/uscca/

Even if you don't choose USCCA, I urge you to choose something and protect yourself.

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