5/28/2023 - Session 1 - What We Believe - God's Rulership #1

1 year ago

Link to Doctrinal Studies: https://www.gracebiblechurchbaytown.org/topical-studies.html

What We Believe is a detailed study of our doctrinal statement.

Link to our Doctrinal Statement: https://www.gracebiblechurchbaytown.org/doctrinal-statement.html

Christian Responsibility Point 14

14. We BELIEVE that God, existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is SOVEREIGN, and exercises supreme and absolute rule over all creation as a part of, and consistent with, the essence and attributes of deity. 1 Chronicles 29:11-12; Daniel 4:35; Psalm 24:1; Ephesians 1:11; 1Timothy 6:15.

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