League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Lucian (2)

1 year ago

Taric, Heimer, Morgana, Nocturne, and Jinx

Talon, Ashe, Xerath, Sylas, and Lucian

0:00 Start
Opponents had more cc and a bit tankier so I gave them the slight edge to win.

3:27 First Blood Fight
Sylas went in to get Taric and was very close but unfortunately he got cced and killed first.

4:28 First Death
Noc ulted me and I tried to juke on the opposite direction but I was trapped.

11:25 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Blue
14:24 T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
18:18 T2 Tower and Inhib Destroyed - Red
19:08 T2 Tower and Inhib Destroyed - Blue
24:50 Last teamfight and Game End

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