The I That I Am

1 year ago

I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach everyone his fellow or everyone his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest.”
Jeremiah 31:31-32

Following up on last week’s idea of the new covenant, I want to shed more light on what it means to recover your center of power. To have the laws of God put into your mind and written on your heart is a metaphorical way of referring to the central I that you are. The heart is the soul, the spiritual essence that we are and that we always will be. To say these laws are written, is simply a way of saying the soul is a direct expression of God, the very heart of the principle of oneness.

Science tells us that no two snowflakes, no two blades of grass, no two leaves are alike. It is even more obvious that, as our fingerprints suggest, no two people are alike. Why do you suppose this is? The simplistic answer is that God, the universal, creative life force, expresses, from snowflakes to humans, as unique individuals.

In today’s culture, the term “diversity” has been hijacked. It no longer applies to the unique nature of the individual, but to the group to which the individual belongs, or wants to belong. Of course, there is nothing new about this problem. I nearly got brain damage trying to fit into the high school football culture. We hear of teen suicides prompted by those who threaten to bully another out of the so-called “in” group. That shallower part of us that drives us to fit in, is taking us further from the genuine security and self-confidence we seek.

While the world about us is in a state of perpetual flux, that which constitutes our center of power never changes. Coming to know our spiritual core as the true anchor in this ever-changing world will never become outdated. Each soul is a unique expression of God bringing a special light that only we can give. Tapping into this light and letting it shine is living from the awareness of our changeless nature. The I that I am is the only I that I can ever be. It is my unique privilege and responsibility to bring it into this world.

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