Ukraine Warlord Lindsey Graham: 'Best Money US Ever Spent'

1 year ago

With British and American cruise missiles, shells, and drones currently hitting Russian residential areas on a daily basis, US Senator Lindsey Graham visited Kiev to reassure Zelensky that "the Ukraine war was the best money the US ever spent because we get to kill Russians!" Is this the 'Ukrainian counter-offensive' they're all talking about: outright terrorism against the civilian Russian population?

Completely ignoring last week's victory of Russian forces over NATO in Bakhmut, Western media is instead showcasing British 'counter-insurgency specialists' training die-hard Ukrainians in the fine art of blowing people up and sending armored columns of Humvees into Russian villages to 'liberate' them using 'separatists' with known links to neo-Nazi organizations.

The 'Great Game' of Washington-London unipolarity vs Moscow-Beijing multipolarity just gets nastier and nastier...

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