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Canik METE MC9 Overview (Weight/Features)

1 year ago

This is a quick overview of the Canik METE MC9 by Century Arms. It's the newest offering from Canik, and their entry in the micro-compact category.

At the time of the recording, only 50 rounds were put through the MC9. At the time of this write-up, 250 have been put down range, reliably, with no FTE, FTF, Stovepipes, or Light Primer Strikes (sometimes caused by hardened primers instead of the firearm itself.)

The ammo fired so far is as follows:
30 rounds of Sig Sauer Elite Defense V-Crown 147gr JHP (My Personal 9mm Carry Ammo Choice)
220 rounds of PMC Bronze 124gr FMJ

I plan to pick up 115gr ammo, as it's said to cause FTE/FTF issues with other's MC9s, and record a video putting a few boxes down range. I'm hoping, and am confident, I won't have any trouble with the lighter projectiles. I do believe whatever caused malfunctions earlier this year has been identified and remedied by Canik.

This channel DOES NOT manufacture, sell, or trade any firearm or accessory(ies) featured in the video(s). The purpose of this channel is to feature hardware and educational/safe practices around said hardware.