Beautiful Relaxing Quran Recitation Surat ul Quraish By Jahanzeb Nasir.

1 year ago

Inspirational Message:
The Surah is a reminder that prosperity and abundance comes from Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎). It is Allah who provides all sustenance and protection.

Surah Quraysh takes its name after Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) tribe. Although Surah Quraysh is accepted to be a unique Surah of Qur’an there’s evidence to suggest that Surah Fil and Surah Quraish could’ve been combined to form one complete surah (i.e. no bismillah separating the two). This conclusion comes from traditions that say the copy of the Qur’an belonging to Ubayy ibn Ka’b did not have a dividing distinction between the two surahs. However, in Uthman ibn Affan’s copy, and through corroboration of the companions, these two surahs are viewed as being separate. The similarity of the message between these two Surahs does indicate that their revelation is close to each other.

The main theme or subject of this Surah is a reminder to the Quraysh tribe that success is through Allah, that it was Him who provided victory over the army of elephants, that Prophethood was granted to Muhammad (ﷺ) who was amongst them, and that all the prosperity and protection they had was from Him. It concludes by tying the message that these blessings should not be forgotten and that we should continually worship Allah and thank Allah for all His bounties.

This view is strengthened by the traditions which say that in the Quran copy belonging to Hadrat Ubayy bin Ka’b these two were written as one Surah, i.e. without the insertion of the Bismillah between them.

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