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15 seconds

Confronting the Contemptible

1 year ago

The word of God says to admonish the disorderly. Get off your gadgets and bring it - personally. They don’t answer phones or emails, and your ballot may not be counted. Also, vote with your wallet. Guests: Jan Grosskopf & Hayward Gatch.
Our live shows can be heard Saturdays from 1:30 to 3pm EST on local radio FM station Fox News 94.9 WJJF - covering Connecticut, Rode Island and Long Island, NY. Listen live from http://freedomondeck.com/ - and find the archives there and on most video platforms, and on Spotify!
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Email Chet and Brian at FreedomOnDeck@gmail.com
Email CV at CVBerton@yahoo.com
“How to Win Debates” on CVBerton.Substack.com and CV Bertons’s Twitter, Gettr & TS.


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