1 year ago

jonathan examines the video of a possible wheat field in Israel harvested.

the grain in the video is BARLEY.... and indication of the confusion comes when he mentions the argument over ABIB......wheat has nothing to do with abib, its BARLEY

if it were wheat Becca would have reported Wheat is ready

the last couple of videos jonathan speaks on the wheat and how The feast of weeks was preserved for 3500 years in the wheat cycle, hiding the true day of Shav'out or feast of weeks

you may have heard this greek word PENTECOST. did you know its actually a Misnomer?
The Feast is called Shav'out , or The feast of weeks.
some of you may be counting OMERS......did you know there is NO where in the scriptures that say to count OMERS. this comes from the TALMUD. this feast is about counting weeks not OMERS. stay tuned for a Revelation on the SECRET OF THE WHEAT......

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