Sacred Sexuality, Episode One: The Purpose of Love

1 year ago

Spiritual sexual education for teens and adults, revealing the sexual teachings that are hidden and symbolized in every religion. The stories of Adam and Eve, Krishna and Radha, Pandora, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, all agree: there is great power in our bodies, if we learn how to harness it for a higher purpose. That knowledge was kept hidden, reserved only for those who proved they would use it wisely. The moment has arrived for all of humanity to know it.

00:00 - Start
02:39 - Creation is Always Sexual
06:15 - Evolution
07:12 - Devolution
10:08 - Repeating Wheel of Life and Death
17:15 - The Purpose of Our Life
22:46 - The Power of Transformation: Love
26:05 - Adam and Eve

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We extend our deepest gratitude to the donors who made this video possible. Their sacrifices will help many people find the teachings that alleviate suffering.

We also want to thank the hundreds of artists who created all of the amazing images and music. Without their talent and work, this video could not have been made.

Special thanks to Bridgeman Images for working with Glorian to license the paintings and photographs.

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Landed on a New Earth by Emmanuel Jacob
Cosmic Call by Immersive Music
Just A Last Hope by Tom Olivier
Memories of My Past by Jon Ong
A Delicate Balance by Cosmo Lawson
Cherry Blossom [excerpt] by Hans Johnson
Jaded by Cosmo Lawson
The Gathering by DarkBlue Studio
Silk Patterns by Cosmo Lawson
Tempting the Fates by Taizo Audio
Tonight is Golden by Artie Son
Lament of the Past by Taizo Audio
Walking With Orion by Taizo Audio

#love #spirituality #religion

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