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Speed Puzzle Practice!

1 year ago

Hi Everyone! Today, I will be showing you all the puzzles I have speed puzzled this year in preparation for the Battle of the YouTube Puzzlers! Thank you so much for watching and please subscribe if you haven't already and be sure to like this video! =)

Here are all the details for the 2nd Battle of the YouTube Puzzlers!
Our contestants will be:
me @Addicted2Puzzles representing the US
Jubie @JigsawJubie representing Australia​
Vicky @Vickymakesandbuilds ​representing the UK
Janette @janetteandherpuzzles ​representing Slovenia
Donnalouise @fortheloveofpuzzles ​representing
AND special guest Russell @puzzlingin2worlds representing Canada ​

The puzzle for this speedy battle will be the 750-piece Flora Heart by Galison! Grab your puzzle here on Amazon: https://amzn.to/431D8UR (Affiliate Link)
Once you have the puzzle puzzled, you can submit your time on this Google Form: https://forms.gle/ztfjms4MPUqwb7wNA Please note any breaks longer than 5 minutes and note your first speed run time only - the form will be open until June 30, 2023! Results will be posted in early July!

For this round, we will be starting the first premiere video on June 3rd at 4pm USA MDST, then starting the next video immediately after, until all 6 videos are complete! This way we can all chat live and see each others videos at the premiere! Please do not post our individual times in the chat! No spoilers! We hope you join us in this epic puzzle battle! #botyp Happy Puzzling! #botyp2

My Etsy Shop!! https://www.etsy.com/shop/Addicted2Puzzles?ref=shop_sugg_market

Check out my Society6 Puzzle store for puzzle related items I designed, including puzzles and mugs!! https://society6.com/addicted2puzzles/collection/jigsaw-puzzles?curator=addicted2puzzles

*For more fun puzzles, check out my Amazon store! https://www.amazon.com/shop/addicted2puzzles?isVisitor=true

My shirt was purchased at The Puzzlers Bazaar! Use code Judy10 for a 10% discount!
https://bit.ly/ThePuzzlersBazaar - Puzzlers Bazaar Puzzle Merchandise Shop! Use code Judy10 for a 10% discount!

Watch the first Battle of the YouTube Puzzlers here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt3pjwAwiRU5t4j2oaBVsJskXp1TRXJVc

Follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/addicted2puzzles/
Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/addicted2puzzles/
Join my Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeAreAddicted2Puzzles

***Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more amazing puzzle time lapse videos and 3D puzzle tutorials!***

#puzzle #jigsawpuzzle #botyp #puzzles
*(affiliate links on Amazon)