16 Weeks out! First round of set backs and what I'll be doing to fix it

1 year ago

Week 16 is here! I am now 1/5th of the way through my preparation for the next round of shows this fall! This week saw some set backs with a few too many restaurant meals. I did the best I could to keep them healthy and trackable, but there is only so much you can do. After this following weekend I will have the time I need to dedicate myself to the cut, and I have an action plan to get me back on the right track.

Starting this week I will be aiming for 7 miles of walking per day, and the following week after my next trip, I'll be shooting for 10. The plan is to walk 10 miles a day for the month of June. With that I should be able to accelerate to about 2 pounds of fat per week, which is going to get me right back on track!

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