1 year ago

Pedophiles are using cheese and pizza emojis to communicate secretly on Instagram, a child protection activist has revealed.

The bright yellow cheese symbol means little girl while the pepperoni-covered pizza means girl. Together they spell out 'CP', meaning 'child pornography'.

'The minute you start talking about pizza and cheese everyone thinks you're talking about pizzagate,' said London-based campaigner India, who has asked to be identified by just her first name. 'But there are thousands of accounts which openly use this in their bios on Instagram.'

The accounts will use the emojis on their posts to signal that they are sharing sexualised images of children in a bid to evade being detected. India said thousands of accounts have been identified doing this.

More than 2,000 accounts have already been shut down by Instagram, after they were flagged via her Instagram page @PD_Protect, but India and her 7,000 supporters have already identified 5,000 more.

The Instagram emojis have been used to identify thousands of potential paedophile accounts

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