Interdimensional _ The TRUTH About Everything (HD)

1 year ago

I watched the whole documentary. Now watching it for the second time. I can tell a lot of hard work and time was put into this. In regards to sleep paralysis and demonic experiences, I use to have sleep paralysis experiences which were really demons. Because I've had seizures in the past, I thought it was seizures. It wasn't until I looked into it further and realized that it was demonic. Although I couldn't speak during those experiences, I could plead the blood of Jesus in my head. I could go to sleep listening to God's word. I could pray before going to sleep. When you set an atmosphere for God's presence on your house and bedroom, the devil will not want to be there. He hates the worship of the One true and living God. Jesus set me free. But in order to stay free, you have to cleanse your bedroom of anything that may give worship to the devil. You have to watch what you listen to or watch on TV before going to sleep. I sleep with my Bible open next to me in bed, usually Psalm 91. Why? Because God's Word is still living. It is eternal.

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