Filled With Fire - Shavuot - Pentecost - Live Broadcast

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SPECIAL REPORT: In Bastrop TX, a community that is part of Greater Austin, TX, Christians in the area held a March For Jesus, to stand for the sovereignty of the Lord. TSIYON RADIO was there, to report on the event. We interviewed some of the marchers on video to ask them why they want to emphasize the sovereignty of the Risen Lord at this time. Their answers are interesting! We here include our video footage of the event.

SHAVUOT/PENTECOST SPECIAL FOR MAY 28, 2023: Our broadcast is on the theme: Filled With Fire. Acts 2 reports the amazing events that occurred at the feast of Shavuot, also called Pentecost, following the death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord. We will look at Acts 2, from a Hebraic historical perspective to dig deeper into that event. Be prepared to challenge old assumptions, as we closely examine the Scriptures to understand what was, and what was not, happening.

LIVE PRAYER REQUESTS: Because this is a live broadcast we can accept prayer requests in real time! We are glad to pray during the broadcast for anyone who requests it.

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