Legit Paranormal

1 year ago

Live at 7:05
we are happy to welcome Paranormal Investigator, Sarah Normal
I started in the paranormal, as many in my field do, by growing up in a haunted house. Then in 2006, during a near-death experience, I was visited by close relatives who had passed away years earlier. I quickly became fascinated with the study of consciousness surviving bodily death. Now years later, I can call myself a serious student of Parapsychology. Parapsychology is an applied science that uses the scientific method to study hauntings, apparitions, E.S.P., and psychic experiences. I continue taking classes at The Rhine Institute to this day and am a Certified Parapsychological Field Investigator.
After returning from an eye-opening trip to Gettysburg in 2021, I wanted to get more field experience. That is, I wanted to study reports by the general public of their homes being haunted. After speaking to some ghost-hunting groups and shadowing a local team in St. Petersburg, I quickly realized something that appalled me. People were genuinely calling paranormal groups because they had unexplained activity and were frightened. In return, they had people come into their homes to scare them further with the words "evil" or "demon" for what? I believe in making compelling YouTube videos or copying what they see on T.V. I knew I had to do something different.
I started F.P.I Florida Paranormal Investigators with my partner Jen to offer my neighbors a genuine way to get help if they believe their home has paranormal activity. I was inspired by the work of paranormal investigators such as Amy Bruni and Adam Berry from the show Kindred Spirits and my Parapsychology professor Loyd Auerbach. We aim to approach each investigation by first ruling out "normal" environmental explanations. You would be surprised how many things in our everyday environment can make us feel that something spooky is happening. However, If the events can not be explained with known factors, we work with the family to find a resolution. We do not charge for these services, but many of our kind clients wanted to give us something out of gratitude. Because of this, we have recently filed Articles of Incorporation, forming Ghost Advocates Inc., which will work with local autism charities. Our motto is "Spirits Shining a Light on the Spectrum."
Paranormal Investigations is a passion project, and I could not do it alone. My amazing teammates also volunteer their time for the love of the work and a willingness to help. Thank you, Heidy, Mikey, and Jen. I could not do this without your exceptional talent and hard work. F.P.I. continues to add new members with upcoming historical events and lectures scheduled in the Fall. Our mission is to Research, Educate and Help.

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