The Final Revelation of Jesus Christ Session 2

1 year ago

Pastor Doug Riggs continues his 8-part series first aired on the ByteShow podcast with Georgann Hughes. This session is definitely seminary-level teaching, so it will require lots of attention and focus. I really enjoyed hearing so much about the testimony of Jesus and what that looks like, especially here and now in these closing days of the church age. I was encouraged to hear how we have the opportunity to bear the testimony of the risen Christ and to express His life in practical ways.
Here are my notes:
o There are as yet unfulfilled prophecies in Revelation 2 and 3 that will happen prior to the rapture in the day of visitation, the great shaking that will deal with what is not of Christ in us individually and corporately in our local churches. I find it interesting (and frustrating) that I don’t hear anyone teaching that from the pulpits, especially those that adhere to the belief of a pre-trib rapture.
o The revelation of Jesus Christ and that apostolic prophetic proclamation of that revelation is the basis for which He is building the church.
o We individually and corporately (as assemblies) will be weighed in the balance to determine what is of Jesus Christ. The judgment on the church will deal with what is not.
o To the degree God’s word has been fleshed out in us, that is what He is looking for.
o When God wanted to communicate with us, He didn’t just send a messenger with His word; He sent His Son, who IS the Word.
o Jesus’ prayer for our unity is another prophecy yet to be fulfilled prior to the rapture of the church. Who’s teaching that?
o The day of visitation will be God’s final intervention during the church age to answer Jesus’ prayer for our unity with each other and with the Godhead.
o Jesus now “embodies the full revelation and the consummate (complete, perfect) revelation of all of God’s thought and purpose for man as it relates to Jesus Christ.”
o The Revelation of Jesus Christ “gathers up all the Old Testament prophecies and brings them in a confluent (merging) manner to its consummate (complete, perfect) prophetic goal.”
o The first three chapters of The Revelation of Jesus Christ is speaking to the church.
o “The only way to understand The Book of Revelation is a thorough understanding first and foremost of Daniel … and the Book of Zechariah… then the rest of the prophets that are the background to John’s thinking.”
o “Setting forth the evidence – the testimony – with great power; that’s the testimony of Jesus; that’s what needs to be recovered in these last days.”
o Doug shows us how the Apostle John used incorrect Greek to describe who God is… so be prepared for a little lesson in Greek grammar.
o God “will always be increasing in our understanding. He remains the same, but heaven will always be an increase of the revelation and the experience and the knowledge of God.”
o You’ll hear the answer in this message.
o Why does God reveal Himself as ‘the I Am of the Exodus?’
o What will be the explanation for why the church was removed (i.e.: the rapture)?
o What is the parallel of God delivering His people from Egypt in Exodus to God delivering His people today from this world?
o What is the 7-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit?
o “God has made provision for every believer to be an overcomer and share in His royal dominion.”
o “The church in God’s purpose is the royal scepter or the imperial staff of the King of kings and the Lord of lords from the church’s translation in the heavens; and then when Jesus returns, the church especially as manifested through the overcomers throughout the church age – He will manifest His royal dominion through His church, through Israel to the nations.”
o “The Book of Revelation is God saying, ‘I am on My throne and I’m going to bring everything all the way through to consummation!’ … His heart is wholly invested in bringing to consummation all that He had begun in the apostolic period.”
o What is God looking for at the end of this age? “It’s not about numbers; it’s about having a representation in His church of this same Christ through the fulness of the Holy Spirit of a faithful witness – a witness to who He is – in His character; in His nature… The world, and principalities and powers, will see in the church Jesus again as the faithful witness.”
o “The church… is about to pass into the darkest hour of its history, in John’s day, and prophetically, in our day.” Where do we hear this warning preached today?

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