TodaythestateoftheworldatsomecountriesorplaceswhichwasbeforeHazratlut(A.S) whichisdestroyingtheIslam

11 months ago

TodaythestateoftheworldatsomecountriesorplaceswhichwasbeforeHazratlut(A.S) whichisdestroyingtheIslam

Pure Waves
25 May
According to the prophet Lut (A.S) It is necessary for us to stay on the righteous path because all prophet stories for us which are great creature of all creatures in this world not for wrongdoings and destroying Islam by understand and to believe god to ourself and do worshipping of ourself and the law should be made which is in our understanding thatswhy doom was come on hazrat lut (A.S) nation since What Can We Learn From The Story of Prophet Lut?
Prophet Lut (A.S) was the eighth prophet out of 124000 prophets. He was the nephew of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and was sent to the city of Sodom near the Dead Sea by the order of Allah. Sodom is also known as “The overturned city”.

Since the people of Sodom were disbelievers, Prophet Lut was sent as guidance to stop the wrongdoings and choose the righteous path.

Let’s get into the depth and see what the story of Prophet Lut (AS) holds for us.

What wrongdoings were observed in the city of Sodom?

They were attracted to the same genders, that is they practiced homosexuality which was against nature.
It was a piece of cake to murder anyone including the travelers.
Dacoity, looting travelers and stealing properties was a common act and was considered quite normal.
No law and order or governance was in the city to stop the wrongdoers.What was the most common act performed by the people of Sodom among all those wrongdoings?

These wrong habits and degenerated lifestyles were carried by the nation of Sodom. However, in stories and movies what they used to be famous for or in the history of Islam, the nation of Prophet Lut (A.S) is remembered as Homosexuals. What is homosexuality?

In Homosexuality, a person falls for sexual activities with the same gender. A man with a man and a woman with a woman.

A common adjective for female attraction is called lesbian and gay for male attraction.

What difficulties and challenges did Prophet Lut (A.S) faced in his life after he came to the city of Sodom?Since they were disbelievers, they gave him a tough time, didn’t believe him or his teachings, and started a campaign against Prophet Lut to prove him wrong.

The people used to threaten him of his life and that if he didn’t stop preaching Islam, he would be thrown away from the city.

Prophet Lut, with a heavy heart, continued his mission for years and kept spreading the light of Islam and its teachings. Only a few members from his family stood by him, rest, the whole nation including his wife, betrayed him and didn’t put an ear to his sayings.
What punishments were given to the people of Sodom for their evil acts?

Just when Prophet Lut left the city with the members, Allah sent the horrendous torment. First, their land was lifted up in the sky and was forcefully thrown from the top to the ground 400 meters below. Next, Allah showered their land with the rain of stones which made them badly injured and lastly, when Jibrael (A.S) pointed to their eyes, they all were made blind.

To date, Allah has kept the city of Sodom as a symbol of destruction as no animal or plant has ever been found alive after the torment so that the disbelievers take guidance.

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