Understanding Iranian Offensive Cyberattack Capabilities: Threat Evolution and Cyber Organization

1 year ago

Iran's offensive cyberattack capabilities have evolved, transitioning from internal information control to more aggressive attacks on foreign targets. The regime has been investing resources in developing its own cybersecurity software and internet architecture to protect and insulate its networks while enhancing its technological cyber expertise as a form of asymmetric warfare against the superior conventional US military.

Iran has a history of retaliatory cyberattacks against the United States, with the 2010 Stuxnet worm being a notable example. Stuxnet infiltrated Iran's nuclear centrifuge control computers, causing physical damage and disrupting operations. It was reported to be a joint effort between the US and Israel. Following the discovery of Stuxnet, cyberattacks originating from Iran against US assets increased in severity and duration.

The Iranian cyber organization comprises various government entities and military forces. These include the Iran Cyber Police, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), and the Supreme Council of Cyberspace.

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