The bigger than Victoria's 9/11 Secret of the town of Windber, and the links to the Plandemic

1 year ago

In a sane world, these revelations would already be one of the biggest news stories of the 21st century; once you get the implications, this is jaw-dropping information. But, as we know, the world is no longer sane -- for very good reasons -- and neither the MSM nor the government-run disinfo channels of the "alternative" media will mention any of this with so much as a word until they are forced to do so.

This is a cut of the "Don't Thrax Me Bro" Duke Report video published on Rumble in April 2023.

Nick Jacobs', the Windber "band leader", and his stunningly prescient anthrax meeting early on 9/11

Is this the real root of the "corona crisis" unleashed on the world c. 18 years later? A mysterious meeting between Nick Jacobs and an unnamed Mozzad agent on the morning of 9/11, a meeting dealing with the subject of anthrax (!!), BEFORE any of the alleged "terrorist attacks" had taken place, and only a short drive away from where Flight 93 PURPORTEDLY crashed later that same day? This is explosive info, the kind of info that has the potential to blow apart the whole sordid situation that began in the wake of 9/11, and that continues to this day, yet only a handful of people are talking about it.

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