The BEST presentation ive seen yet on the Truth about PENTECOST

1 year ago

the last couple of videos jonathan speaks on the wheat and how The feast of weeks was preserved for 3500 years in the wheat cycle, hiding the true day of Shav'out or feast of weeks

you may have heard this greek word PENTECOST. did you know its actually a Misnomer?
The Feast is called Shav'out , or The feast of weeks.
some of you may be counting OMERS......did you know there is NO where in the scriptures that say to count OMERS. this comes from the TALMUD. this feast is about counting weeks not OMERS. stay tuned for a Revelation on the SECRET OF THE WHEAT...

The 10 commandments would not have even been given in the time allowed from a 50 day count from Wave Sheaf to arriving at Mt Sinai. Exodus 19:1 says that the children of Israel arrived at Sinai on the 16th day of the third month.. Moses indicates that the children of Israel rested at Rephidim the 15th of the third month. Please watch this video and read the context.
Q.Is there a wheat harvest in the Spring?
Q. Is a pilgrimage feast in the 3rd month mentioned in Scripture?
Q. Is Pentecost one day after the 7th Sabbath?
Q.Is there any new wine available in the Spring?
Q. When was the wheat in Scripture ready for harvest?
Q. When did Moses come down Mt Sinai with the Law?
Q. When does the 7 week and 50 day count end?
The way most count to Feast of Weeks/Pentecost is NOT according to the evidence in Scripture. Feast Keepers presently count 7 Sabbaths complete (7 complete weeks) from Wave Sheaf (the 16th of Abib) then add one day. Pentecost is said to be the 50th day from Wave Sheaf or the 6th, 7th or 8th day of Sivan. Is this accurate? Most feast keepers believe that the Law was handed down from Sinai on “Pentecost”. This is true, just not the way we presently do the count.

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