Opie and Anthony: The Nixon Tapes. Classic Ant!

1 year ago

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Since it's #HenryKissinger 's Bday today, I thought this would be fitting
since he was the most prominent during the Nixon Administration.

Jim Norton is present. Richard Nixon on the news.

"Get to it!"

"Everyone remembers the Nixon tapes from Watergate." Er, well, not quite.

Ant considers Nixon the "most insane president we ever had." Welp...

Ben Stein and his "hypocrisy."

"What did Kissinger say?"

What Kissinger proposes and how Nixon preferred the A-Bomb.

The fact that KISSINGER was bothed by the A-Bomb over other methods speaks volumes about Nixon.

Er...Ant actually agrees? Why am I not surprised?

Kissinger concerned about civilian casualties!? AHAHAHAHAAHHA!

Nixon defends groping women. Well, that's familar.

Caller. He has questions.

Fun with Phuc. Oh dear...

"Collateral Damage...it happens".

"Not very funny."

Finally, Classic Ant without the music. Ding! Ding! Ding!


Ant explains why they won't play the tapes live. Well, his version is better.

BANG! BANG! Dance, Kissinger!

Caller wants to "BANG! BANG!"

Caller. "Should we sing it?"

Caller. Has questions.

"The only thing worse would be Kissinger's!"

"Going old school!" Ant has questions.

Nixon is STILL in the news! More tapes!

List of people Nixon had a problem with. Oh, and pot.

Classic Ant again!

The difference between Pot and Drinking, according to Nixon.


Nixon/Kissinger fanfic!? Oh man...

All in the Family...

"Nixon" reviewing sitcoms and throwing around "homo."

Now to the Romans.

Here we go again with Nixon/Kissinger fanfic.


"More fun from our pal Dick Nixon."

"Always fun."


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