JOEL GOULD 2 | GLYPHOSATE kills enzymes needed to activate VITAMIN D

1 year ago
presents episode 843 | DrJoel Gould
Mark Bell Power Project podcast

Question: how do we get enough sun?
-too much or TOO LITTLE is harmful
'Melanoma...everyone thinks this is
caused by too much sun'
-this is unfounded!
"If true, then tops of ears, nose, head
where exposed the most to sun"
-those places: we get squamous cell
carcinoma & basal cell carcinoma
that causes cancer

Melanoma is caused by too little
exposure to sun, not too much
Taking vitamin D, in the sun, but still
low in 25 OHD, why?
-glyphosate [in Roundup]
-prevents liver enzymes from
activating vitamin D you take in,
into the 25 OHD form
-CYP enzymes destroyed by glyphosate
[these enzymes oxidize steroids &
fatty acids]

25 OHD is storage form of vitamin D
that should be everywhere in body...
-must be activated again
-but enzymes are being destroyed by
industrial seed oils in our food

Question: vitamin D2 or D3?
-D2, plant version, not relevant
-D3, animal version, powerful
Some doctors, when you are low in D,
will prescribe 50k IU D2 for 2 weeks
-not as effective as D3
-must change lifestyle to avoid being
low in 25 OHD

Question: if low, how much D3 to take?
-most will take supplements:
2k, 4k, 5k IU
-doctors may say, 4k is max
"No one time toxic dose of vitamin D"
-in middle of winter, should take 5k IU
supplements a day, minimum, 3 months
"Tell your doctor I recommended 10k IU
a day, will say, 'TOXIC'"
-you make 20k IU in the sun for 30 min


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