The Ants Go Marching

1 year ago

Are we being poisoned?
I think we are...

A few tidbits of info to help us detox what is being sprayed on us and in our food sources.

Foods for Heavy Metal Detox:

Amino Acids/ Cilantro/ Food Grade Activated Charcoal/
Brazil Nuts/
Onions and garlic/ Chlorella/
Lots of Vegtables – Cilantro, parsley, alfalfa, and a blue-green algae, chlorella, are three extremely powerful chemical and heavy metal chelators. Dark green vegetables and herbs alkalize and purify the blood, making it easier for the body to rid itself of wastes with less discomfort or “healing crisis” (when the loosening of toxic debris causes a sick or flu- like reaction). You can juice these, include them in salads, and/or mix powdered forms into water or juice for a quick and effective dose.

Exercise — When you exercise, you start to sweat. This sweat allows for heavy metals to exit your body through your sweat glands and skin.
Saunas — Saunas are excellent detox tools. The sauna can stimulate your excretory system and stimulate your body to start to sweat. These processes help flush the heavy metals out of your body faster than they would normally go out.
Filtered Water — Filtering your drinking water helps to remove any excess lead or heavy metals that it may contain. You can buy filters that attach straight to your faucet and run the water through a series of filters before it gets to you.
Glutathione — Glutathione is a peptide that is made up of three amino acids. Located within your cells, its main role is to help the cells contain and transport heavy metals through your bloodstream and out through your excretory system. It's especially effective against mercury.
Diatomaceous Earth — Diatomaceous Earth is a great way to chelate because it binds to heavy metals and escorts them out through your urine.
NAC — N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is a form of a crystallised amino acid that can significantly increase your body's production of Glutathione. It also decreased oxidative stress; one study showed that it enhanced mercury excretion by 400% in mice.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid — This antioxidant has the unique ability to quickly penetrate your cell's membranes and cross your blood-brain barrier to help chelate any heavy metal deposits that may be there. It works to protect your body against mercury, cadmium and arsenic toxicity.
DMSA and DMPS — Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and Dimercaptopropane sulfonate (DMPS) are pharmaceutical chelating agents that are water-soluble. Several studies showed that they are effective at prompting your body to excrete lead, mercury, and arsenic as well as cadmium.

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