Lumber River paddle Hwy 71 near Campbell Soup, Maxton to Alma Rd

1 year ago

Was a great paddle trip, we was on the water by 1001hrs, We had a welcome addition onto the group a 4 legged pup, eager to get on the water. We ran into alot of new downfall that was new and alot of poison ivy on that downfall, most of it was was able to get around, 3 required some saw work which Gene and Van was all to happy to do. The weather was very pleasant, I was concerned about rain because I ran into on the way to put-in, but it held of but there was alot of wind, but because of the trees, most of it was blocked so it was not an issue. We did take a lunch break pass our normal location because the normal location was difficult to get to land and area I found provided a small sand bar.
The real issue we had was post paddle, I seemed have misplaced my keys, Crystal found them at the put-in, laying on the ground, apparently, God has a soft spot for paddlers. As I reward, I took her , Andy and Gene out to Blue's Cafe for 2nd Lunch, the cafe was 3 mins away, and is run by 2 grandmothers, being in the South and cafe run by grandmothers, the choice was easy, fried chicken and sweet tea, Gene had BBQ sandwich. I paid for the meals.
Gene brought out his new kayak, and him and Andy did a quick switch, both are very happy with the kayak, so we have a winner. I am glad I could get him connected with the seller.
Paddlers: Andy, Van, Gene, Crystal, myself, Myron, Dorcas,Ginger
Thanks you Crystal for the shuttle and for finding my keys
Thank You Van and Gene for you clearing a path for group
I will post video later, Andy and Crystal will post pictures

I am sorry I had to change the date, as the weather forecast was 100% of rain for Saturday and most of Sunday.

Scott n Patrick the Wonder Dog
PS Monday is Memorial Day, please take a moment to thank those that sacrificed for the nation and their families, SALUTE!

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