1 year ago

Based on the Howard Fast's novel. After repeated defeats during the American Revolutionary War's campaigns of 1776, the Continental Army retreats across New Jersey. In the past six months, they have lost New York City and been chased through New Jersey by the British, and 90 percent of their troops have either been killed, taken prisoner, or deserted.

After the army narrowly escapes across the Delaware River to the Pennsylvania shore, it is in possession of the only boats of any use on that stretch of the Delaware, obtaining it a reprieve from further pursuit until the river freezes, which will allow the British to cross from New Jersey and capture Philadelphia. General Hugh Mercer reminds General George Washington, the commander of the Continental Army, that their supplies of food, medicine, ammunition and winter clothing are dangerously low.

Realizing that the Revolution will collapse unless he finds a solution, Washington conceives a plan to cross back across the Delaware and conduct a surprise attack on the Hessian garrison at Trenton. Washington queries Colonel John Glover, an experienced mariner from Marblehead, Massachusetts whose troops have previously effected Continental evacuations by boat, about the feasibility of the plan. Glover calls the task of moving Washington’s troops across the river in one night during freezing weather impossible, but says it must be done to save the Revolution, so his men and he will do it.

Washington proposes the plan to his staff and subordinate commanders and General Horatio Gates picks it apart, then suggests that Washington relinquish his command. Washington orders Gates to be silent and tells Alexander Hamilton to escort Gates out of camp at gunpoint. After Gates has left, the group laughs, but Washington and Glover silence them by reiterating the seriousness of the situation and the risks associated with the battle plan. On Christmas night, the Hessians will be feasting and drinking, so early on the following morning the Continentals will attack while the Hessians are tired and sluggish. The officers have only a few days to prepare their troops and weapons, and to maintain the element of surprise the soldiers are told no more than necessary.

Despite low morale, fatigue and bad winter weather, Washington lifts his soldiers' spirits and Glover supervises the crossing from the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware to the New Jersey side on the night of December 25–26, 1776. The crossing is completed on the morning of December 26, though it is behind schedule and the sun has risen, increasing the risk that the operation will be discovered. Washington's troops march to Trenton and attack at eight o'clock. They achieve a stunning victory over the surprised Hessians and capture almost the entire garrison.

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