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💥Child Sacrifice The Bull God Molech & Medical System💥

In ancient times there was a child sacrifice cult, assoc. w/worship of Saturn. The cult practiced burning children alive, inside metal objects (heated by large fires) often bull-shaped. Bull God’s name: Molech. Where we get phrases “Holy Moley” & “Holy Smoke” …burning of children. Holy meant sacrificed had “holes” or placed in “the hole”, inside object.

burning of sacrifice “imMOLation”. (MOL-ech)

Ancient ritual is hidden in plain sight, in churches w/use of incense, mimicking burning child smoke.

You’re in it already. Child sacrifice rituals occur every day inside our:

Culture means...URE-CULT….YOUR CULT

It’s a death cult. From abortion to vaxx, from circumcision to medical drugging of kids in gov't run indoctrination centers. You’re free to awaken.

pic: bull God Molech, outside children’s hospital, Philadelphia

Child Sacrifice Article

( 17D, Mark Steele

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