1 year ago



The Arcturians are a humanoid extraterrestrial species native to the planet Arcturus.

They were the first sentient alien species encountered by mankind and have established interspecies trade with them. They are not to be confused with the Arctura, a separate species present on Arcturus.

According to certain New Age movements, Arcturians are a very advanced extraterrestrial civilization from the solar system of Arcturus who wish to share their knowledge and wisdom with the citizens of Earth.

They are described as other-dimensional, advanced star beings who are said to be loving and peaceful beings who are willing to communicate and work with any soul that wishes to travel with them to a higher level of consciousness.

Galactic Federation have crafts of all shapes and sizes but brightly lit triangles are Arcturian friends.

The proximity to a military base might lead you to assume it's a secret military program. There are select military personnel who know the truth and meet with Galactic Federation, but this is not human technology.

The purpose of these incidents is documentation.
They're brightly lit so they can be seen. Pleiadians told us sightings would increase as we got closer to the Shift and that could mean past sightings too.

Because they stayed there for a solid 10 minutes, just there’s nothing to fear.

There are only friendly crafts in our skies now. Galactic Federation are doing many good things and all will be revealed soon.

You can look forward to meeting 12 ft tall blue Arcturian friends (and family and go flying in their massive triangle crafts in 5D Sheen.

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