AstroLee: Earthquakes and fiery goals met. 28 May - 4 June 2023 #astrology #ep88

1 year ago

#astrology2023 #astrologicalreadings #may2023 #june2023

Sunday 28 May.
Sun (6 Gemini) square Saturn (6 Pisces): Saturn has made some decisions after the Grand Cross met last week. Practical, physical decisions about where we want to build. Elders point out where we should adjust. Our dream weaving, mystical insights and artistic efforts are seen more clearly and chatted about.

Wednesday 31 May.
Mercury exits retrograde shadow (there since 7 April): having chewed over the meaning of old messages, visits from ghosts, and re-evaluated our worth in the light of these things, we have greater clarity. Rare shifts in seemingly fixed situations have made made.
Venus (25 Cancer) sextile Ceres (25 Virgo): the Goddess of Love is out-of-bounds, and not playing by the rules, but nevertheless assists in our self-nurturing through new routines such as detoxes and journalling. Home makeovers.

Friday 2 June.
Jupiter conjunct North Node (3 Taurus): seeds planted during the North Node's journey in Taurus since the start of 2022 can grow rapidly now. Seeing the bigger picture around things we have been bringing forth, and being more optimistic about what we have been doing. Unexpected opportunities arise with guidance from elders around whether to take the opportunities or not. Be aware though, that the last time this aspect occurred was 1929, months before the stock market expanded too far and crashed.
Venus (27 Cancer) trine Neptune (27 Pisces): a highly romantic aspect. Singing and other forms of creativity favoured. Tender connections. Beautifying the home. Little action.

Sunday 4 June.
Full Moon (13 Sagittarius), square Saturn (7 Pisces): intents from the 4/12/21 solar eclipse bear fruit. Adventure and exploration, beyond our horizons. Truth-searching. The bigger picture. Saturn guides us to temper our aims with realism, identifying blocks to be dropped.
Mercury conjunct Uranus (20 Taurus): free from his retrograde shadow period, the scales drop from the Messenger's eyes. Lightning bolts of awareness. Unexpected news. Originality in mental and creative work. Out of a mental rut. Odd and compelling people encountered briefly.



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