Ep 48 N8 26th May 23 - Why have Confidence in the Courts?

1 year ago

In this well worth watching zoom Liz outlines how we can in fact have confidence in the courts
We need to ferret out the corrupt judges
We have paid for and own the courts

Who went through the courts in the Nuremberg Trials? The Tokyo Trials, The Judges Trials, the Chief Justice...
Who missed out last time but have a ticket this time? Churches, The Popes, lawyers...

The Select Committee hearings about the Education and Training Bill thats before the parliament at the moment. We view Liz and Dora's submission

Liz tells us about the hearing and Dora outlines where MoE gets its "research" (junk science) from - Dr Alfred Kinisey - a well knnow pedophile from the 1960s. Pure pedophilia being force on NZ school children plain as day!

Liz outlines how politics has no place in employment matters

Plus so much more!

Please join the N8 union as a supporter or donate - help us fight back on the BS being forced on all NZ

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00:40 Liz: Courts are where the law is interpreted, will either sink or save us – two opposing lawyers and Judge as referee – Adversarial system – Based on English common law & equity – Principles are two books of the Bible - The Old Testament w 10 commandants & The New Testament w teachings of Jesus Christ = Judeo-Christian law – Nuremberg Trials – Judges’ Trial – Tokyo Trials – Must use the courts because we need to ferret out the corrupt judges – Let’s not forget the Churches, Pope & lawyers – We own the courts

06:42 Liz: Revisit previous zooms content regarding the attempt by the state to normalise paedophilia – Discussion on Select Committee hearings – Individuals get 5-minute submission time limit, whereas a formal group gets 10 minutes – Philippa Landy submission suspended at to Select Committee meeting Concern over Clause 38 of Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3) which proposes to make it lawful that every board of trustees in the country have two appointed Rainbow Community representatives

12:5814:46 Liz: Learning legalese – Select Committee hearings chaired by list MPs Camilla Belich & Ibrahim Omar – Skip from 14:46 to 20:03 due to video malfunction

20:03 Dora: Video of Dora’s submission for Select Committee hearing about the Education and Training Bill that’s before the parliament at the moment – Keep an eye on Ibrahim & Camilla attempts to silence Dora

26:07 Liz: Liz’s submission for Select Committee hearing about the Education and Training Bill that’s before the parliament at the moment – Section 54 Public Services Act 2020 - Duty to act independently in employment matters – Relevance as BoT members become employers – Christine Rankin case jurisdictional matter – Liz speaks about potential of taking a case against CEO of the Education Department/Ministry

30:23 Open chat: Select committee qualifications – Select Committee submissions as means for notice – Separation of powers – The shackles on the 3 branches of government – Slightly different shackles, but they all have shackles

33:38 Liz: Unencoded constitution – Acts of parliament that reflect it – Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 & more – Cabinet manual – There must always be question about the crown – Liz to appear on Counterspin media chat to discuss why all land in NZ is allodial

36:35 Dora: Following up on her submission – Discussing more Kinsley “research” & how the relevance to now – Content warning discussion of Kinsley institute material

46:15: Open chat & Liz: Gardner’s theory (paedophilic like material) of parental alienation used in Family court – Rankin revisit – CEO can be sued for interfering in contract of employees – Union action to be done for allowing political interference - Section 83 relevance to curriculum – Breach of the health and safety of the children – Case precedent Gloriavale case and complaint to teachers council & Professional Conduct Council – Curriculum is grooming

57:21 Geoff: Geoff’s research on misfeasance in public office, malicious prosecution, exemplary damages and more – Treasure chest but to enjoy you have to get into the court! – Mackenzie friend – Vicarious liability example in AU and Dr insurance case = see Geoff’s document - OIA redacted and emails

01:05:09 Liz: Change to zoom meeting invitations – Benefits of being a union member

Content links:

Judges’ Trial - The Nuremberg Trials: The Justice Trial

Tokyo Trials

Philippa Landy Oral submission to The Education and Training Amendment Bill
Philippa Landy spoke to the select committee at Parliament to voice her dismay at the Sexual Education Guidelines being imposed onto the NZ Education sector despite high concerns worldwide for the safety of children and young adults.

Clause 38 Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3) - Schedule 23 amended

N8WUNZ 20230426 (W) Child Grooming For Paedophilia In NZ Schools

N8WUNZ 20230428 (F) HSWA Section 83 for the Safety of Our Children

Section 54 Public Services Act 2020 - Duty to act independently in employment matters

Christine Rankin case – Case dismissed and costs reserved

Unencoded New Zealand Constitution

Imperial Laws Application Act 1988, Schedule 1, Imperial enactments in force in New Zealand, Constitutional enactments

Bill of Rights Act 1688

New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990

Constitution Act 1986

Cabinet manual

Act of Settlement 1700

Magna Carta 1297

Treaty Of Waitangi

Section 83 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Right of worker to cease or refuse to carry out unsafe work

Pilgrim - Gloriavale principal knew of sexual offending but allowed teacher to continue working

Teachers Council

Teaching Council Complaint form

From the chat

Civil Trials Bench Book - The legal framework for the compensation of personal injury in NSW

Civil Trials Bench Book — Particular proceedings Intentional torts


Rob D and the latest weather

Counterspin Media Episode 88: Energy Thieves featuring Brad Flutey, Davis Holden, Matt Bowden & Liz Lambert

Colonial land title in Australia: a meta-legal critical inquiry


Book recommendation by Liz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Perfect_Day

The Settled Colony Debate - 64. The Distinction Between Settled and Conquered Colonies

List of national legal systems

Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 - Maori Land Act 1993

Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill 2016

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