[Part 8] Understanding Bible Prophecy and a Mid-Tribulation Rapture at Paul's 'last trump.'

1 year ago

In this part 8 we debunk the post-millennium and a-millennium positions along with reemphasizing the difference between the first 3 1/2 years of Paul's 'day of Christ' and Isaiah's the 'day of the Lord' during the last 3 1/2 years of the 7-year tribulation. In Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians in chapter two he reveals what must first come to pass before 'the day of Christ' (the rapture) can occur. We also go over some of the history on the different positions.

We highly recommend you watch these series not only all the way through, but in proper order for a consistent flow of content. Some of the questions coming in have already been answered due to some viewers not watching the series in proper sequence or from watching from start to finish.

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