Modern MLCCs, testing for silver!

1 year ago

This test compares the silver content in monolithic ceramic capacitors from 2006 and upward. I don't test for palladium in these, because by 2006, palladium prices were very high and it simply wasn't used for MLCCs anymore. But, I figured silver MIGHT be... at least in SOME boards. Surprisingly enough, the most modern ones had some silver! Enough from 5 grams of MLCCs to make processing a bunch of them worthwhile. As I mention in the vid, those MLCCs came from high-end sound boards. They were Sony and Panasonic, each with several gold-containing BGA cards. So they were of MUCH higher quality than the boards I took the older MLCCs from, which were mostly hard drive motherboards.

The lesson: Sort your boards by PRODUCTION QUALITY, not necessarily just by age! If you have aerospace or military-grade stuff, don't look down on it just because it's newer!

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