Assault on our DNA Dr. Jose Bonilla In His Image, DNA Changes and Crisper

1 year ago

#4 Video, go find others and listen.
Please listen to these being shared. Video quality is horrible. Sound is ok. Watch for more being shared.
This conference is vital for people to understand in this end time. If you are seeking the Knowledge and wisdom the Father wants you to have, this is part of that.
We so appreciate Dr. Kevan Kruse and his partners having this conference. We are all praying more will happen in the future.
These ads explain why this conference is so badly needed everywhere.
To find out how you can get more information about this vital conference and the future dates and places and what is needed to help this happen, Contact Dr. Kevan Kruse at
My desire is to help Dr. Kevan and the partners get this information into the hands of people who need the truth at this time in the end times.
Please also find Supernatural Junkies Podcasts and listen and subscribe. they share what we need to know in this end time.
Had I known I would be sharing these, I would have done a better job of recording this zoom meeting. We know the enemy does not want you to know this information shared but where there is a will....there is a way.
Deborah Hawkins

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