Article Video - The Anticipated Continuance of Foreign Government Fraud By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Anticipated Continuance of Foreign Government Fraud - Saturday, May 27, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

There is exactly one lawful American Government that has been functioning since 1776 and there is no other lawful Government in this country; our people have been identified and our State Assemblies have been brought into Session, and we are accounted for, present, alive and well.

We are Americans, not U.S. Citizens, not Municipal citizens of the United States. We have been attacked, pillaged, and plundered by our own Federal employees who have been misdirected and used as mercenary forces by the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors resident in the District of Columbia.

We had our Continuance of Government plan established when the lights went out in the chaos following the Mercenary Conflict misrepresented as The American Civil War.

Once the last American President, James Wilson, termed out, the State Assemblies one-by-one stopped meeting and in the confusion and welter of similarly named organizations, most Americans assumed that everything was as it should be --- while those who knew better were forced to flee for their lives into the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee, the mountains of Montana, or even to the wild frontiers of Washington, Oregon, and Alaska.

By the time we mustered our Summoning Authority and summoned the State Assemblies back into Session, Texas was the only State Assembly still in Session.

Despite all the obstacles, our American Government never died and was never subjugated to the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the British Territorial Government then or now.

We have heard and we see that there is a framework in place allowing the British Territorial Government to survive and thrive despite their current financial and political difficulties.

They hope to recoup authority upon the Debt Default and Bankruptcy Release scheduled for June 21st of this year, whereupon they want to stage a big theater production to proclaim a new British Territorial Federal Republic --- and confuse it with our old Federal Republic.

When discussing "Continuance of Government" it pays to ask, which government? The lawful Government of this country, or the "government" of a British Territorial Municipal Corporation operated by the British Crown?

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