Lions hunt elephants? #shorts

1 year ago

Elephants are 2 to 4 meters tall, and their weight can reach 7 tons. But with all that size and weight, the kings of the jungle still try to hunt these big mammals. When lions hunt elephants they usually attack calves, females or sick elephants, and they almost always attack from behind and never try to attack an elephant if it is with its group and this is why lions attack lone elephants or elephants that are far from the group. Although lions are a formidable hunter, it is difficult, if not impossible, for a single lion to kill an elephant. Your chances increase if lions hunt with the help of the pride. The dry, hard and thick skin of the elephant makes it difficult for the lion to pierce it. Thus, the lion makes repeated attacks at various points to look for a weak spot or to break through the skin. Once the skin is pierced, the elephant's fate is sealed.


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