Father Ezekiel’s 4.29.23 vision

1 year ago

Father Ezekiel’s 4.29.23 vision

May 22nd, 2023

Father Ezekiel: The third city I have seen in Europe that is old and historic–

Mother Clare: Oh boy.

Father Ezekiel: Some kind of waterfront on the West side–and it is-there are a few sinkholes that have just swallowed up the West side of the city, and they are going into the old, old historic buildings, you know, somewhere in Europe.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: And just crumbling apart from the West.

Mother Clare: Is that the water?

Father Ezekiel: Yeah. Water is coming up from those sinkholes.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: And it is about halfway up the door of a car, about up to your waist. In the vision before, right at the steps that go up to this domed building of-

Mother Clare: I have got to do something.

Father Ezekiel: In the dry part of the building there is a wrecking crane kind of thing, and it is just tearing these old buildings down.

Mother Clare: Oh.

Father Ezekiel: I do not get it but with water encroaching on the city, I would think you would be at home trying to–wow-from the bottom of those Capitol steps they are tearing buildings down, wherever this is.

Father Ezekiel, talking to Mother Clare: It is the Texas state capital. Yeah, it is just falling apart like chalk, from the Gulf up. Houston, where the shipyards are, is under water, almost, and there is a whole bunch of whitesmoke, whitish, pinkish, greenish, bluish-haze over what you can see of the city–

Mother Clare: Singing.

Father Ezekiel: That is very, very strange, seeing ships coming into the inner city-of Houston. I know Houston, I know a great city, I know that whole area. Now water is up-just about halfway up the car door, like up to your waist in Houston, Texas. And the same at the capital building, and I just do not understand because that is in Austin, that is three hours to San Antonio and probably another hour at Austin or more. So, from the very tip of Brownsville and Corpus Christi, all that, San Antonio on the West side, it is really broken, cracked. If you took a ruler from maybe forty miles west of San Antonio and drew just a crooked line up, yeah, it is just breaking off like a piece of chalk.

Father Ezekiel continues: The only reason anyone is even ok up here is that we are in the Southern range of the Rocky Mountains and if you went another thousand feet up, you would be in the, well, you would be up in the Alpine zone, where it is just rocks and trees. So, I guess it covers New Mexico as well. And water-I do not even see Arizona-water level went up; it is all over the place. Just about to the southern border of Nevada, Nevada, however you guys say it,-

Hm. California is holding strong, for whatever reason, they have had so many fires, and stuff like that and even mudslides going on. The plates are being, being, pressing against each other. L.A. got rocked pretty good, South America looks like an upside-down, skinny, thin boot. That is just how much water is encroached in, coming in South America. The other capital city of Bogotá, Columbia, the whole west side of the city is underwater. There is a little bit of the Andes Mountains, the Amazon Basin is totally flooded. I guess the river has come out of its banks on both sides.

Wow. It used to be a beautiful river. Nothing but mud and clay and twisted wreckage right now. In the city-Venezuela, man, you know, forget Caracas. It is like a cheese slicer straight down, which it always kind of been, right on the ocean. Venezuela is a beautiful, beautiful place, and Caracas is a beautiful town, very old historical areas, soccer stadiums as always, right, I say fut-bol, f-u-t-b-o-l, I think, that is, you know, we call it soccer, but it is football around the world, and tiny little kids kicking these soccer balls.

Brick or pebble or stone streets, light colored haze, blue-green-

Mother Clare: What is going on, honey?

Father Ezekiel: Well, I have been to Europe and to Texas and to-

Mother Clare: What is going-

Father Ezekiel: Venezuela and Bogotá, Columbia.

Mother Clare: What is with Texas?

Father Ezekiel: If you were about forty miles west of San Antonio, due west, and you took and just made a jagged line up-

Mother Clare: Uh-huh.

Father Ezekiel: The Gulf has come in that far and covered West Texas, and part of New Mexico.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: And the only reason it seems normal up here is that we are at the altitude we are almost down the Southern Rocky Mountain range and there is greenery around this and that there are acres around this mountainous area, but not down in the Valley. Albuquerque is gone-

Mother Clare: Yeah.

Father Ezekiel: Then there is Santa Fe-Those prophecies are true-Nuke the city of Santa Fe. I do not like to say the word or use the word nuke or even approach the subject but-

Mother Clare: Mm. (praying in tongues)

Father Ezekiel: Yeah, everything is either encroached by water or charred in black to the east of us, to just about-I do not know if it is Ohio or Indiana or some state line, it is marked-it is like a-it is like the rivers have overflowed,

Mother Clare: Yeah.

Father Ezekiel: And the Gulf has encroached-

Mother Clare: Yeah.

Father Ezekiel: So, there is still a big swath between what is left of the Western part of the United States and what is left of the Eastern United States, probably toward the east of Missouri bordering on East from there. And there are two Capital buildings.

Mother Clare: What about the Capital buildings?

Father Ezekiel: One is for the Union, and the other is for the Republic. I forget what you call them-the volunteer people that have been training for all this for so long?

Mother Clare: Who?

Father Ezekiel: Militias! Very well trained, they have been very, very disciplined.

Mother Clare: Where are they?

Father Ezekiel: On the West bank, on this huge swath of water that divides the country. And part of our United States, probably a good thirty something percent or more of the Armed Forces that used to be part of the United States of America, have joined the Republic.

Mother Clare: What percentage?

Father Ezekiel: Over thirty-three percent, I would say, because I have seen thirty-three percent-So, the Republic army is made up of the militia and part of our regular military.

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: You know, Army, Navy, Air Force, whatever-and that is it. A lot of equipment on the West side. Of course, the East side, the Union, is what it always kind of been, only with the encroachment of water in places and it is-Not a whole lot of it left. There is no Florida.

Mother Clare: Chicago is gone? Is it hard to tell?

Father Ezekiel: Can you in your mind make a line from Chicago down to Mexico?

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: What would it border-what states would it border?

Mother Clare: Louisiana, let us see, going to Mexico-yeah, Texas I guess-it must be at an angle.

Father Ezekiel: Ok. Yeah, there is plate shifting, and pressing each other, that is for sure. And that eerie feeling, that eerie silence-and it is light orange, and then stripes of like lavender, green and blue-like gasses. Noxious gasses.

Mother Clare: And fire?

Father Ezekiel: No, they are just settling on whatever is left, like the Capital, the state Capital building in Texas, which is right in the heart of the-

Mother Clare: It has gas?

Father Ezekiel: These gasses, these clouds, are down on the city. This mist-

Mother Clare: Oh, a mist. Well, what is in the mist? Is it just mist or is it poison?

Father Ezekiel: It is-obviously it is-it is deadly, because there is not--not a soul to be heard. And the water just keeps rising, and the plates just keep shifting. Looks like a war zone-Twisted metal, rebar, concrete, like an order out of World War Two. You know how they come into like France and just wipe a town out? Do you remember World War Two at all?

Mother Clare: Mm-hm, I do.

Father Ezekiel: Or photos of World War Two?

Mother Clare: Yes.

Father Ezekiel: Yeah. We have got two cities in Europe and a line going from Chicago down to Texas. Anything east of that is water.

Mother Clare: All that timeline.

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: Hm.

Father Ezekiel: And they are like glaciers, are still sliding-

Mother Clare: Yeah?

Father Ezekiel: Into the United States. I mean there are places-

Mother Clare: I wonder why?

Father Ezekiel: Like parts of Canada that are totally wiped out. They are melting, they are melting.

Mother Clare: Well, if they are melting, they can turn into water.

Father Ezekiel: But they are sliding, they are moving, they are glaciers.

Mother Clare: The glaciers are moving down?

Father Ezekiel: Yes.

Mother Clare: Well then, something else.That would mean that they are freezing, if it is moving down, they are starting to freeze-

Father Ezekiel: I bet there is hot water down underneath or hot something that is causing them to slide, from like Alaska, Yukon, that is gone.

Mother Clare: Alaska is gone?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: Alaska is loaded with mountains.

Father Ezekiel: Take your pick.

Mother Clare: Alaska is totally gone?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: You are sure about that?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: Do not worry your heart, honey, do not-

Father Ezekiel: I am just saying what I see, no exaggeration at all.

Mother Clare: Please-Where is Canada?

Father Ezekiel: There are parts of Canada, but they look like, you know, like tundra island masses or something.

Mother Clare: I do not know how Alaska could be gone, there are huge mountains-

Father Ezekiel: Well, it is just-If you look at where Alaska was, you know, through the water, it is a little-the water is a little lighter color than the rest of the blue green, you know, Pacific or whatever.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: Obviously the Bering Strait, you are not just going to walk across it, it is under, it has been under for a long time and birds flying the wrong way.

Mother Clare: Heading south?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm, looking for a dry place, I guess.-Avoid the haze, the haze is yucky, real yucky haze.

Mother Clare: From volcanos?

Father Ezekiel: Either that or earthquakes or both, I do not know. It is just-it is strange, everything is so quiet and hazy-big ball of something going in-

Mother Clare: What do you mean?

Father Ezekiel: I do not know what it is, maybe it is fire, maybe it is some kind of building or something-the sun peeks through and is shining on us-

Mother Clare: It is a ball of something?

Father Ezekiel: Mm-hm.

Mother Clare: Like fire?

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