Welcome to America video

1 year ago

Welcome to America video: Now organised gangs in US are going round destroying at random eateries and restaurants owned by Asians. 你還要來美國嗎? 美国有组织的团伙正在四处破坏亚洲人拥有的随机餐馆和餐馆.

A friend's relatives ran a yam char restaurant in San Francisco for decades, but was now forced to close because gangs come and eat but refused to pay. We can now call these the “sick society of the world” 一位朋友的亲戚在旧金山经营了一家炸薯条店几十年,现在因为黑帮来吃却不肯付钱而被迫关门。 我们现在可以称这些为“世界病态社会”

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