Understanding language changes that change society - George Carlin - National Press Club in 1999

1 year ago

George Carlin gave a speech at the National Press Club in 1999 in which he criticized the language of politics. He argued that politicians use language in a way that is designed to confuse and obfuscate, rather than to inform and enlighten. He also criticized the media for their complicity in this process.

Here are some of the highlights of Carlin's speech:

"Politicians don't actually say things, they INDICATE them."
"The language of politics is designed to confuse, not to inform."
"The media is complicit in this process by reporting what politicians say without ever questioning it."
"The result is that we have a population that is uninformed and easily manipulated."
Carlin's speech was a powerful indictment of the political process. It is a reminder that we need to be critical of the language that politicians use, and that we need to demand more from the media.

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