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Don't Be Afraid

1 year ago

My latest Song release! Here's a short sound clip/video!
Don't Be Afraid is about my story as a Time traveler, Clairvoyant, Contactee, Cosmic Shaman, Photographer, Galactic Akashik files library recorder and curator of my Personal experiences and more... Also, as we are all finding ourselves actually living a Multidimensional Life while here on Earth... Not all stories are scary! But that is another, deeper topic... What I wish to say is Don't Be Afraid, just cause we don't know... But be Aware! Open your heart and let it Flow... It will come to you... All that you are! We're not just looking into the stars... We are the Stars!
We just have to Remember... Rosalind Beth Horowitz/Cosmic Utopian Rose~* "Cosmosophy"


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