Flower painting / Leaf print painting / Leaf painting / How to do realistic flower painting

1 year ago

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well.
Welcome to 🎨Art by Rania ‎❤️ @artbyraniaofficial
1) Acrylic Paints
2)Art Paper
3)Paint Brushes
4)Masking Tape

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1:-Only use clean brushes.
Also use the thin brush to draw the line and use a wide brush to mix the color.

2:-You may also use acrylic colour or Oil pastel and any hard Drawing paper to draw this painting.

3:-When you are mixing two different colours, keep in mind that your brush should be completely clean and slightly gilded.

4:-You may use black pen or marker for draw thin lines in this painting.

5:-If you are using a sponge, keep in mind that you take a lighter color in the sponge and pressure it with light hands on the canvas board.
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#vinillna #leafpainting #acrylicpainting #leafart #painting #paintingtechnique
#acrylicpaintings #realisticdrawing #realisticart

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