Spider-Man 2 Reveal Trailer and Gameplay Trailer

1 year ago

PlayStation revealed Spider-Man 2 at PlayStation State of Play.
Game looks like it will be great sequel with no super major changes to how the game plays. With the exception of the Venom suit and the changes to combat that it brings.

But the most exciting thing about the reveal trailer and the gameplay trailer is the New York map. I don't know if it'll just be for a few missions or if Sony's going to give us two, maybe three, boroughs to play in. Greatly changing our ways of fighting and sneak attacking our enemies.

Also, it seems like story wise it'll be kinda of like Spider-Man. Will be given our main antagonist, i.e. Kraven, who will be hunting friends and foes of Spider-Man across New York. Then I suspect near the end of the game to have the villain change into Venom. Possibly paving the way for a ultimately showdown, maybe with some more Sinister Six.

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