For those that refuse to leave the battlefield of Facebook | Check Description

1 year ago

#NightShift #RedPillAnon #FuckFacebook & The Lizard Man.

Do your worst commies, satanists, and the three letter agents running Gestapo book.

You’ve failed miserably in your attempts the last three years to break, nuke, and silence me. There’s no other platform on the planet that purposefully punishes people for sharing verified truth whom purposely or continuously shits on our first amendment rights.

Some things we lean more on faith and intuition to accept or deny it’s validity but other than that 99% of everything I share I verify before doing so.

I take it extremely seriously because I do not want to break the trust a lot of you patriots have in me. Trust & any credibility, in this movement, is an extremely hard thing to regain.

If I misspeak or share something that later turns out to not be true I address it and apologize. In the last three years, 50 successful pages, and almost as many accounts I can literally count on one hand the number of times that has happened.

Yet I will remain until this dumpster fire of a social media platform & its owners come tumbling down. With the billions in fines, thousands of layoffs, and the insane amount of high level crimes committed I feel we are so close to that becoming a reality.

I’ll be in the Guinness book of world records for not only the most pages & accounts created but also the most pages and accounts banned or nuked before you I wave the white flag.

Ok my little rant is over & I know eventually these people will pay for what they’ve done to each of us personally but also to our country.

Mark”Lizard Man”Zuckerberg👇
18 USC § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government 👉

TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES👉,Advocating%20overthrow%20of%20Government&text=the%20purposes%20thereof%E2%80%94-,Shall%20be%20fined%20under%20this%20title%20or%20imprisoned%20not%20more,years%20next%20following%20his%20conviction.

Thank every one of you amazing beautiful patriots for all the love and support since you’ve found us and over the last three years. It’s lifted me up and dusted me off so many times when I questioned myself and the impact, if any, it has on others.

It’s FKN terrible what we have to endure and how we are persecuted just because of our love for country, our faith, and us just wanting the brightest possible future that we can leave for our children.
Truth violates the gestapo’s “community standards”.

Here’s where to find us, not if, but when they nuke our page. I will always return but it may take a little searching to find us. The main thing the group is for is so that even if the page goes down I can still go there to alert Frens where the new page is.

God bless you patriots for remaining in this fight. It’s always darkest before dawn but our day in the sun is coming. Hang in there and know just how special you all are. God woke us up for a reason.

Links where to find us.. 👇🐸🍿

Red Pill ANON | Which is down for at least the next 6 days.

RedPill Anon | Which is where we will be posting for those next 6 days unless it to gets nuked.

RedPillAnon (USA) | Group 👇👀

RedPillAnon | Truth Social 👇👀

RedPillAnon | Rumble 👇👀

RedPillAnon | Bitchute (Don’t post here too often but I do use Bitchute for longer and more controversial content. 👇👀

God Bless, Protect, & Give Strength To Patriots. “We Fight Like Hell”-45+

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