21st Century Poltergeist! (Psychokinesis? Telekinesis? Ghosts?) - Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

1 year ago

In 2013, an 11-year-old by was having an inexplicable effect on electronic devices around him, including poltergeist activity. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli interview John G. Kruth who was called in to investigate and dubbed the case the "21st century poltergeist."


Further Resources
• John Kruth’s article Taming the Ghost Within (paywall!): https://www.rhineonline.org/_files/ugd/82c4a8_11ce07ddfc3b4e2ea4e567821c235184.pdf
• Pauli Effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauli_effect
• Rhine Research Center: Rhine.org

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