Peanut butter is garbage. Throw it in the trash.

1 year ago

We've been told all out lives that peanut butter is 'healthy'. According to who? The corporations that sell it. You see, peanut butter is loaded to the brim with calories. Coming in at 190 calories per serving, you would be shocked at how quick they add up. And that spoon you stick in the jar is not a table spoon, it's often two or even more.

A simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich can be loaded with hundreds of calories and we haven't even talked about the bread or jelly yet. If you use two spoons on a sandwich, you are starting with 400 calories. But it sure doesn't feel that way.

And if you hit the jar of peanut butter before bed? Kiss all your hard work good bye. You may as well have not even dieted that day! I struggled with peanut butter for years and for two reasons.

1. I didn't realize how many calories I was taking in and
2. I like it so much I couldn't stop.

This is a terrible combo for losing weight. Therefor, I did the hard thing and cut it out of my diet completely. Just say no to peanut butter!

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